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Fulton El Camino Soccer Club - FEC

Fulton El Camino Soccer Club - FEC


What is Futsal?

Futsal is a modified form of soccer that is played with five players per team (one of which is a goalkeeper); and it is played on a basketball size field (typically indoors).

Flying substitution is used; substitutions are unlimited. Unlike regular soccer or some other forms of indoor soccer, Futsal is played on a hard-court surface defined by lines; walls or boards are not used. Futsal is also played with a smaller ball with less bounce than a regular soccer ball.

Futsal is a self-teaching game. Players are constantly put in situations where they must pass, receive, dribble, and move, while under pressure, in a confined space.

Why Play Futsal?

Futsal is a FUN fast paced sport that will hone the key qualities of a soccer player better than any other indoor format and these benefits are transferrable to the outside game. In fact, two very important soccer components are: (1) having good technique, i.e. foot-skills; and (2) developing a creative, tactical mind, or speed of play.

  • Per US Soccer, here are the key qualities of a player and how it relates to futsal.
  • Read and understand the game and make faster decisions -improves players decision making skills with or without the ball
  •  Execute with optimal technical abilities - provides players with more touches on the ball and improves players ball control skills
  • Take initiative and be pro-active – Players are better prepared to change positions and make decisions in a split second
  • Demonstrate focus – Players are able to stay on task over time
  • Take responsibility and accountability for their own development & performance
  • Execute with optimal physical abilities – provides players more opportunities to develop fitness, endurance, flexibility, stronger ankles, etc.
Futsal is not the same sport as indoor soccer. There are some differences. 


Our futsal program will cost $75 per player and run during November and December on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Registration information will be available in September, 2023. This information is subject to change. More details to follow. 

Registration Link

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Fulton El Camino Soccer Club - FEC

Email: [email protected]

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